This Is Not A Question, More Of A Quick Treatment When Food Gets Stuck In Your Throat, And It's Free.
Having had a swallow test done at a hospital, they saw the muscles in my throat don't move food down my throat. They really had no fix for me. But what I found is when food gets stuck, I can clear it by drinking very warm water, not HOT. I think it just get the muscles to relax and allows food to move down. Has worked every time, so have water ready when you start eating. For me, food always gets stuck in one of my first few bites of a meal. Hope it helps you.
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Hi Bob,
I have EOE. You need to avoid the foods that are making you were esophagus, swallow. And/or get your esophagus emerged.
Thanks for the advice I will try the warm water. I recently had my esophagus stretched and it seems to work. But recently I have the swallowing symptom again
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